Reclamation Reform Act
The Reclamation Reform Act (RRA) of 1982 defined and codified acreage limitations to agriculture. Today, Project water users within our boundaries are required to file RRA forms with the District, prior to receiving an allocation of Project water. The District conformed to the discretionary provisions of the RRA in 1984. The reporting thresholds are:
- 240 acres for qualified recipients
- 40 acres to limited recipients and public entities
- Qualified recipients over 960 acres and limited recipients over 640 acres require additional reporting

In 2012, Reclamation conducted a Water District Review (WDR) spot check of the RRA paperwork of those landholders reporting over 960 acres. At the request of the District, Reclamation also provides a one-day training session on the RRA forms. A training session was held and was attended by participants wanting to improve their understanding of the forms. These classes are provided at no charge to the participants. For more information please contact the District at (719) 948-2400.
Administration fees may be assessed for form errors. The District collects these fees and remits to Reclamation. At the February 17, 2011 Board meeting a motion was passed stating landholders would be responsible for these administrative fees.
Staff members specializing in Geographic Information Systems (GIS ) software, are critical to water resources engineering. GIS software is used in the process of land identification for RRA reporting and tracking excess land for canal companies with the exception of the Fort Lyon Canal, which is being developed. GIS is also used to determine the District boundaries.
Applications for Project water, require an RRA package to be correctly submitted to the District. Staff responsible for RRA oversees the package. This package then may suggest the need for a comingling plan.
Additional information regarding RRA can be found at US Bureau of Reclamation website.
SECWCD Contact info for inquires:
Garrett Markus
Water Resoures Specialist/ Engineer
31717 United Avenue
Pueblo, CO 81001
(719) 948-2400